Photo of Richard Hulbert  (in Memoriam)

Richard Hulbert (in Memoriam)

Club Member

  • Print Biography
Richard Hulbert (1929 - 2020) was a partner at a major New York firm for most of his career (and its managing partner for five years). He was a Vice Chairman, I.C.C. International Court of Arbitration (1994-1999); Member, I.C.C. Commission on International Arbitration (2001-2020). He was also on the panels of the AAA and CPR. He served on AAA commercial arbitration panels; was a party-appointed arbitrator in AAA, I.C.C. and ad hoc cases; counsel for claimants and defendants in I.C.C., AAA and other arbitrations in the United States and Paris.

 His legal experience was varied, including work on behalf of the Beatles. In 1981, he successfully represented a client in a Supreme Court appeal. From 1983 to 1989, he worked in his firm's Paris office. He wrote several articles on International Commercial Arbitration. He was a Lecturer in law, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, Ca. (1988); Adjunct Professor, New York Univ. Law School (1990-2020 ).
